< StatiCAD

  • Earthquake and design  analysis acording to

    Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance

    Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures.

    DBYBHY2007: Turkish Earthquke Code (2007)

    TBDY2016: Turkish Building Earthquke Regulation 2016

    RBTE2013: Principles of Building Risk Identification 2013

  • Fully shared automated analysis with SAP2000

    * The project  can be transferred to SAP2000 automatically. 

    **Model can be edited in SAP2000

    ***SAP2000 analysis results can be imported to StatiCAD

    Earthquake forces analysis and

    design analysis according to SAP2000 static results can be performed.

  • Automated masonry building design
    performance analysis, strengthening
    and detailing technology

    Program supports 104 languages.


  • Drawing Output

    foundation application plan ,

    wall plan , formwork plan ,

    cross-sections of formwork plan ,

    column details, structural foundation details ,

    beam details ,

    individual strengthening jacket details for each wall

    ( anchors , strengthening steel mesh , continuity rebar).

    Drawings can be exported in dwg/dxf format with hatches,

    dimensions and layers without any shape loss.

  • Usage area of the Program

    New masonry buildings

    Historic masonry buildings

    Performance analysis and strengthening of existing masonry buildings.

    Urban transformation of existing buildings

  • StatiCAD is important helper
    At new design, performance analysis and strengthening

    Rapid, reliable, detailed 
    modelling of masonry buildings
    For safer future

    Get StatiCAD
    Increase your profits

    More than 1000 registered users

  • Strengthening existing masonry buildings with

    With shotcrete and steel mesh

    Adding Reinforced Concrete column

    With Steel Elements,

    Reinforced Concrete walls

  • Auto generated drawings  according to analysis results;
    Structural foundation application plan
    Wall Plan, Formwork Plan
    Strengthening Cross-Section Details
    Aspect drawings of strengthening
    Slab Rebar Drawings
    Formwork Section Drawings

  • Import dwg/dxf architectural drawings or 

    photo / scan of storey plans

    and generate structural objects in easily

StatiCAD yığma binaların deprem yönetmeliği esasları uyarınca statik analizinin ve proje çizimlerinin yapılması işlevini gören bilgisayar programıdır. Program 3 seviye olarak kullanıma sunulmuştur




Program Paketleri


In addition to all the features of the standard license, it is also possible of performance analysis and strengthening of existing masonry buildings. In professional version you can transfer your model to SAP2000 and you can import from SAP2000 analysis results to StatiCAD automaticaly. Earthquake forces analysis and design analysis according to SAP2000 static results can be performed. Or results calculated by StatiCAD can be used for project design. The program is licensed for lifetime. It can be updated by payment at major version changes, depending on the user request. Minor version updates are free.

StatiCAD Standard Version is a computer program that generates static analysis and project drawings of masonry buildings. Standard Version does not include performance analysis, risk analysis and strengthening features. The program is licensed for lifetime. It can be updated by payment at major version changes, depending on the user request. Minor version updates are free.

StatiCAD Ultimate has all the features of the professional version. StatiCAD-Ultimate is working with an Annual Subscription, and a renewal fee is required each year. All updates will be free with the annual subscription. When the annual license renewal is not done, the program stops working.


Programı Kullanabileceğiniz Çözüm Alanları

Drawing axis in StatiCAD

Watch drawing axis video

See all watch and learn videos

See all watch and learn videos

Become our reseller

We are working on StatiCAD since 2008. We have over 1000 registered users at Turkey. We started to sell StatiCAD end user license at 2010. We want to repeat this sales success in your country too. We translated our program to 104 languages with google translate. But you appreciate that this is not a perfect translation. And we want telephone support at your country for StatiCAD. We pay to you commission for every order, if customer write your name to the reference field in the order form.

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